Sunday, June 1, 2014

SILENCED by Dani Pettrey

Silenced by Dani Pettrey
What I like best about Ms. Pettrey’s novels is the way she builds her suspenseful themes around family and includes descriptive passages of the Alaskan landscape that are familiar as your own hometown visages. You feel at home as much as her characters, the McKennas.

In, Silenced we reach the climax of the mystery that has been building since the first book in the series, Submerged.  Kayden and Jake are thrown together to solve the murder of a local climber and having reached the solution to that mystery a bigger and more serious one evolves.  Jake, the catalyst for a demented murderer, finds himself racing against time to save the woman he loves. Having lost his wife and child to this, mad individual, he doesn’t want to lose another.

 There is plenty of romance with two weddings, resolution of stories from earlier books in the series. Two more siblings seem bent for their own marital end; and the foundation is laid for younger brother Reef and long- time nemesis, Kirra to have their storyline.

Dani Pettrey’s books are full of action, history, romance, strong family relationships, and a nugget of spiritual truth thrown in. She has a gift of writing romantic edginess with the boy or girl next door feel. I enjoy how she helps you to know what both the hero and heroine are feeling and thinking. Her scenes are rife with sexual tension but her characters handle it truthfully and honorably. I have this series on my keeper shelf because they are such fun to read.  Though each could stand alone, I recommend reading them in order for the information you gain on the siblings and their personalities and relationships.

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